Huntsville Ranch
Here at Retreat Realty, we have much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving holiday week, including the fact that in the last few days we sold one, listed another! Through the year, we’ve been able to assist dozens of folks seeking the ideal western North Carolina mountain property, bugout property, and off the grid property for their families.
Just this week we concluded the sale of the 257 acre Huntsville Ranch property, have assisted another family in negotiating a contract to purchase a 57 acre parcel outside Asheville and just listed a great little bugout property near Black Mountain that offers one of the best values for a prepper property we’ve found.
So we pause to give thanks to God above and for all the folks who have granted us the privilege of representing them through the year. If you are seeking a mountain retreat property, we look forward to hearing from you and wish you and yours a blessed Thanksgiving! Now lets eat!