Letter of reference: Mr. John Haynes
To whom it may concern
I have known John Haynes, the Developer of Headwaters, since July of 2009. At that time, I was searching for a vacation home site. Although, my salesperson at Headwaters was Mark Kranich, I worked with John on several occasions relating to specific issues with Headwaters, the purchase of our lot and ongoing challenges with building our home.
When we first discovered Headwaters we believed that our long search for a second home site was over. We had been searching for a second home site since the summer of 2002. Our search took us to various venues in Mestern North Carolina, but HEadwaters offered us just what we needed. It was built for families that wish to enjoy the mountains of North Carolina without the golf course, etcetera which would distract from the natural beauty. To us, Headwaters is an example of John’s outstanding vision and his ability to execute his vision.
Also, in working with John on the purchase of our property, the building of our home and subsequent day to day activities related to the ongoing management of Headwaters, I have found him to be most personable, a person of teh highest integrity, with outstanding follow-up skills. At all times though, he has had his eye on the ball in terms of the day to day marketing of Headwaters.
These skills are illustrated in the Headwaters is the best performing property in all of Western North Carolina.
I would highly recommend John for any future positions in which he may be interested. Please contact me at any time for additional information.
Your sincerely,
B. Smith